Systematic approach to the organization of effective reproduction of fixed assets of industrial enterprises

  • Sazonov V.G.

    Far Eastern Federal University
    Vladivostok. Russia


This article analyzes the various aspects of improving the scientific and methodological tools of reproduction of fixed assets in innovation-active systems. The article discusses the causes that gave rise to the imperfection of the mechanism of reproduction and states that a substantial transformation of the dynamics and structure of the requirements of the environment, has led to inconsistency. It is proposed package of measures "system reconstruction" of scientific and methodological tools of reproduction, adequate tasks of modernization of the national economy. It is proved that is especially relevant for the solution to the problem of innovation active enterprises, mastering advanced technologies and modern new technological order.

Keywords: methodological approach, innovation-active system, reproduction, reproduction mechanism, reproduction effectiveness, foundations and methodology of reproduction, simple reproduction, expanded reproduction, reproduction model.